
Saturday, March 06, 2004

sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. why am i not asleep at this moment when im so tired? im so fucking retarded. i feel really shitty. i woke up feeling shitty. i had a shitty day. i still feel shitty...im going to feel shitty tomorrow...and i still have to do my fucking hw. bloody hell. fuckkkkkkkkkk...grrrrrr....goddamit. i just dont know anymore. i just dont fucking know. im so sick of it. so sick of everything. im emotionally and physically tired. i need to get away. get away from what? get away from myself...maybe...i dont know. i just dont feel like im grasping onto anything realistic. im just so emotional right now. fuck. grrrrrr...i hate emotions. i hate my body. i wish i was a blob aimlessly floating around.
...i need to find a peace of mind...

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