
Monday, October 24, 2005

words are not my friends. that's why i don't talk sometimes because all that comes to mind are emotions. word just don't express what i'm feeling. i just have...a feeling. ack. i had more to say, but i forgot it on the way to the computer. fuuuuuuuck. i'm having such a bad day. i feel like i'm in this extreme fog of fogginess. fog, fog, FOG. i really don't feel real. or at least i don't feel real in my sense of reality. i hate talking. can't you just read my mind? but only what i want you to hear? i don't even know who i'm talking to. i think i'm talking to everyone in general. i'm having such a hard time typing. i'm dyslexic (sp?...i don't care, too lazy to look up). i can't talk!!! damn fucking grr.

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